Do you wish for better sex & intimacy?
Are you trying to live a Christian life?
Are you tired of bedroom struggles, the wrong thoughts or little to no sexual desire?
Years ago…
When I was pregnant with my first child, I went to a pastor and said “I don’t like sex. His was response was, “you must you’re pregnant”. I remember thinking that “I don’t get it”. “What’s one have to do with the other”.
Years later when my challenge seemed to get worse instead of better. I realized it wasn’t sex I didn’t like it was the feelings of guilt, shame and feeling like I was a sinner.
I help Christians Love God, Like Sex & Live Saved™, so that they can live a life free from guilt, shame, and pain.
Imagine being free from…
• Negative thoughts.
• The pain of your past trauma.
• The guilt and shame of your sexual choices.
• Having no sex drive or sleeping with everyone.
• Feeling like you are a sinner.
My mission…
Is to help you uncover your own strategy and tactics for being free and having the abundant life regarding your intimacy that Jesus died for you to have. The abundant life does not stop when it comes to sex and intimacy.
Contact me today with your intimate questions or to book an appointment.