Last Day of December 2015

It’s the last day of the year. I’m grateful for my family, where I live and the people God has allowed me to help. Questions for you… What are you grateful for, as this year comes to a close? What are you planning on doing differently next year? How...

Can You H.E.L.P.?

The holiday season can be difficult for people who have lost loved ones. So I am calling on all of my compassionate people to H.E.L.P. What’s H.E.L.P.? It stands for Handholding, Encourage and Love People. How does it work? It’s simple. Find someone who has lost a...

Welcome to My First Post

Audio Version: Hi I’m Rev M and welcome to my new website. This is the first post for my website and so I wanted to let you know a little bit about what you are going to get. This site is for those who want to learn how to Love God, Like Sex and Live Saved™. Maybe...